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holiday giveaway poster

Local Communities and Businesses Giving Away the Ultimate Holiday Survival Prizepack!

In the spirit of Christmas and giving, we’ve partnered with a bunch of great Calgary communities, and locally-owned businesses to bring you the Big Ol’ Holiday Giveaway! We’ve partnered with the Greenview Industrial BIA and Crescent Heights Village to showcase great local businesses, neighbourhood gems, city attractions, and we’ve built the ultimate holiday survival prizepack.

children decorating

Who’s Involved?

When Does the Giveaway Run?

The giveaway launches on Tuesday, December 14 and closes on Friday, December 24 at 09:00AM MST.

milk jars

How Do I Enter?

1. Follow @greenviewindustrial, @inbridgeland, and @crescentheightsvillage on Instagram

2. Like the post, share it, and comment to tag you friends who have made Santa’s nice list – they could win a prize pack of their very own!

3. Enter as many times as you want until Christmas Eve!

How Will You Contact the Winner?

Winners will be contacted via Instagram messenger.

How Do I Collect My Prize if I Win?

We’ll make it nice and simple and deliver it to you! Contactless delivery is preferred.
