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Our Neighbourhood Guide to Supporting Your Favorite Local Businesses This Holiday Season!

The countdown to Christmas is on and we’ve put together the ultimate guide to help you support your favorite local businesses this holiday season! From festive feasts and tasty treats to the perfect gift for every member of the family – you truly can find it all right here in Bridgeland!

Oh Christmas Tree!

Christmas trees

Our neighbours at Bridgeland Market have set up their annual tree lot right in front of the store. Head in to pick out your tree while supplies last! Don’t forget to have your tree stand ready and water it throughout the month to make sure it stays fresh until Christmas dinner!

Visit for more information!

Here’s some great information about caring for your Christmas tree!


We’re opting to set aside the boxes of ornaments this year and spend some time doing Christmas crafts! Inglewood Art Supplies has a great selection of beautiful paper, and everything you’ll need to make some one-of-a-kind and eco-friendly decorations! Here’s a great list of DIY decorations for you to try at home!

Visit to shop online and find out information about classes!

‍Gifting for the Whole Family

woman shopping

Whether you’re looking for the latest & greatest vinyl record, a cool pair of socks, or a scented candle to warm things up, Lukes Drug Mart is a great one-stop that’ll have everything from your kitchen essentials to a well-curated wall of locally made goodies.

For the little ones in your life, check out the store at Telus Spark – it’s loaded with fun and engaging learning toys, games, and activities for all ages. For a gift that keeps on giving, check out the annual memberships! They offer everything from children, students, and seniors to family memberships. Cherry Tree Toys is a locally owned, independent toy store that specializes in keeping it fun! Cherry Tree just dropped a fresh batch of holiday toys, colouring books, and activities in their online shop – fresh for the picking!

Our neighbourhood cycle shop, Bike and Brew, has every new tool and accessory for the bike lover in your life… and the coffee lover in your life! Head in for a coffee and take a walk through their huge selection of bikes, accessories, and clothes!

Your four-legged friend deserves a great gift – our pet-friendly neighbours at Doggywood and Doodle Dogs both have great clothes, accessories, food, and treats for your best friend. Doodle Dogs has a great grab-n-go box of Turkey & Venison Holiday Dinner for your dog.

Good tidings and great holiday spirits come from Bridgeland Distillery! They make ready-to-give gift boxes featuring their award winning spirits and pre-made cocktails. Click here to view their online store! Piazza Wine & Spirits has a great selection of beers, wines, ciders, and spirits for all of your holiday entertaining!

Festive Feasts & Tasty Treats

Bridgeland is full of great markets, restaurants, and artisanal makers – they’re all offering great options to help make things nice and easy this holiday season. Order ahead from Bridgeland Market to get your holiday dinner – everything from turkey, turducken, holiday ham, or leg of lamb to the starters, sides, and sweets!

Click here to order your Christmas dinner! 

Blush Lane has a complete list of holiday goods, all available for delivery through From produce and mains to desserts and a great variety of local beers, wines, ciders, and spirits from some of Calgary’s finest producers. Build a memorable holiday feast at

Click here for more information! 

Made by Marcus offers next-day delivery on their ice cream pints, cakes, and treat bars. You can even build-your-own-box of the latest and greatest ice cream flavours.

Click here for information on local delivery!

Stay tuned to @inbridgeland on instagram for information about holiday giveaways!